Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My head is itching like crazy, still, and the baby is walking, for real.

It's funny how things happen sometimes.  When I last wrote, my darling thirteen month old child had taken a few steps here and there.  In fact, she had walked across the living room (maybe 8 steps or so).  My husband and I were thrilled.  Let me tell you what happened next...

The next day, her daycare went to a fun kids pizza spot.  Apparently, my little walker decided to go all out.  According to the daycare ladies, they got to the pizza spot, my child got down, and was WALKING ALL OVER THE PLACE!  She even climbed the slide and slid down over and over again.  She even knew how to get up on the slide and put her legs over to slide down.  At this point I have to tell you that it was her first time on a slide.  Ever.   They said she walked around all day, even went walking towards the door when it was time to leave.  Of course I stood staring at my child in amazement.  I wish I had been there.....  And then she had the nerve to want me to carry her.  I guess she was tired from all that walking...

She is fourteen months old today.  She has been walking around when she wants to, but it seems she prefers leading me around by my finger.  It is amazing to see her learn new things. She catches on quickly.  In fact, today she figured out how to unlock my phone.  I guess I'd better not leave it lying around, she might start deleting stuff.

I'm three weeks (tomorrow) into my Sisterlock journey.  The itching is still driving me crazy, witch hazel doesn't seem to help and I hate the way Sea Breeze smells.  My consultant said to put NOTHING on my hair, so I'm all paranoid about getting it wet in any way.

I will admit to having lock envy.  I know that all locks are different.  I like my hair, but I'm wondering if it is going to be full like I had envisioned it.  It is kind of flat.  I'm also trying to avoid manipulating it for the first 60 days or so (consultant's orders).  Perhaps I'm just used to looking at my afro.  I will also admit to wondering about the number of locks in my head.  I know how many I'm hoping to have, I guess I'm afraid to count and dislike the number that I come up with.

I know...I need to post some pictures.    That is in the plans over the next few days.