Monday, January 4, 2010

Having One Does Not Make You an Expert

As a new mommy, it irritates me when someone who only has one child talks like they know everything.  While I'm sure you know the gospel according to your child, every child is different and you should take that into account when commenting on something I share.  It urks me to no end when I say something about my baby and a person I know "tells" me that the particular behavior I commented on happens with all babies.

Having one child does not make you an expert.  Sure, you can share your experiences, but don't talk to me like you know everything.  Case in point.  I am choosing to breast feed my child for the first year (if I can manage-I'm doing good because she is almost six months old and is exclusively on breast milk).  My sister (who only breastfed her daughter for 3 months before deciding that pumping was too much of a hassle) keeps telling me that I need to give my child some food because "she won't go to sleep because she is still hungry."  WRONG.  My child is something of a night owl like her father.  You don't know everything.

My mom keeps asking me when I am going to give my daughter formula.  I'm not.  Not if I can help it and I'm doing pretty good so far. 

There's more.  But I've gotta go help a friend.
